In this salmon dinner recipe, Dijon mustard gives the topping a nice kick and balances the richness of the fresh fish fillets. Lemon juice in the spinach...
Make your own Philly-style cheese steak sandwich at home. Thinly sliced rib-eye and onion are cooked, then topped with provolone to melt before being placed...
For a novice baker, this is the most forgiving dough to work with. The cream cheese allows this pastry some elasticity but still produces tender and flaky...
With the addition of zucchini, this hash becomes something more adventurous than the de rigueur hash you may get in diners. Try this quick-cooking meal...
This easy chili recipe makes eight one-cup servings; if you reserve half, you'll also have enough for four servings of our Cheesy Hash-Brown Bake, a stick-to-your-ribs...
Get a freezable Mexican meal rolling in no time with a no-cook filling and a sauce made from pantry ingredients. Pepper Jack cheese and a combination of...
The next time your bunch of beets come with fresh greens attached, put them to work in this super-quick side dish. While beets will always have that signature...
It's a busy cook's dream: dinner that makes itself. With a slow cooker, it's a reality. Toss together the ingredients necessary to make this spicy seafood...
It might not be traditional to bake donuts, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't! Cocoa powder and chocolate chips enrich the batter for these baked beauties,...
Banana cream pie is a classic dessert for so many reasons. Its creamy, texture, nutrient-packed bananas, and crowd-pleasing whipped topping are sure to...
Fruitcake bars are very forgiving. You can bake them months ahead, and substitute almost any fruit or nut you like for one you don't. Aim for a balance...
Like a lot of filling to pastry in your apple pie? Try this fall recipe that's filled with three pounds of apples. We like to use an assortment of different...
Don't relegate turkey to the holidays-marinate and grill the breast for a satisfying warm-weather main dish. Boneless, skinless turkey breasts are seasoned...
Choucroute garni combines the smoky flavors of several sorts of sausage, pork butt, and thick-cut bacon with the pungent perfume of sauerkraut, bay leav...
Fresh lasagna sheets are worth it for this specialty lasagna, which includes enrobing the layers of meatballs and sausage in a parcel of pasta sheets before...
This simple one-pot pasta features fresh asparagus and is as lovely to look at as it is delicious to eat. Serve smaller portions of this creamy pasta as...